Showing posts with label remote computer hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remote computer hacking. Show all posts
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Exploit HP sytem managment

 There are two modules available for exploitation of hp system management.(1)HP System Management Anonymous Access Code ExecutionThis module exploits an anonymous remote code execution on HP System Management 7.1.1 and earlier. The vulnerability exists when handling the iprange parameter on a request against /proxy/DataValidation....
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Microsoft Word UNC Path Injector

This module modifies a .docx file that will, upon opening, submit stored netNTLM credentials to a remote host. It can also create an empty docx file. If emailed the receiver needs to put the document in editing mode before the remote server will be contacted. Preview and read-only mode do not work. Verified to work with...
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Hack Remote P.C. using latest java vulnerability

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { } JAVA APPLET JMX REMOTE CODE EXECUTION:-This vulnerability is exploited in February 2013.Additionally, this module bypasses default security settings introduced in Java 7 Update 10 to run unsigned applet without displaying any warning to the user.Any O.S. Which is running...
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Metasploit Post Exploitation Methods

(A)Hide File in victim `s P.C:-After successfully got meterpreter sessions you can hide any file in victim `s P.C. Type following attribute.attrib +h +r +s drivename:/FoldernameFor example you want to hide folder name “songs” in F drive then just type following command in your terminal.shellattrib +h +r +s F:/songsFor...
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DOS attack on windows-7 using metasploit

!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } This module exploits a denial of service flaw in the Microsoft Windows SMB client on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. To trigger this bug, run this module as a service and forces a vulnerable client to access the IP of this system as an SMB  server....