In this tutorial i will teach you to find Ip Address of any website using Command Prompt or in short CMD. Using IP Address you can find location of the website server and do more stuff. I will demostrate this tutorial with Google but you can use this method to find IP Address of any website...
Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts
Hy Everyone today i am going to talk about the most use piece of software besides from RAT by hackers to observe your activities on your own computer and that is Keyloggers.Simplya keylogger is a software or hardware device which monitors each and every key typed by you on your...
Hacking a cctv Camera is not so hard you just need to follow some easy steps and after that you can access the cctv camera near you.It's seems quite interesting right ?But yes it is possibe now you will be able to do so.Please note that we are not responsible if you misuse this trick.This is only for the educational purpose.And...
There are many sites which are blocked by government because of breaking laws of their country. The user downloads many softwares to open these sites but end up being infected by malware, virus. Today i will share a trick with you guys which can help you easily open these banned sites without downloading...
Andrew Auernheimer – aka “Weev,” the Internet activist found guilty in November 2012 of hacking into the systems of AT&T and stealing the details of around 120,000 iPad owners – has been reportedly sentenced to 41 months in prison and three years of supervised release.Tweets are being posted from the courthouse where...
Day two of the Pwn2Own competition at CanSecWest was again successful for French Vupen security, as they succeeded in exploiting Adobe Flash on Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 by chaining together three zero-days (an overflow, a ASLR bypass technique and a IE9 sandbox memory corruption) and earning themselves another...
Hackers of the Pakistan Cyber Army (PCA) have breached and defaced 7 websites owned by the Indian government.The affected websites are the ones of the Bihar Tourism from Ministry of Tourism India (, Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan (, the Directorate of Medical Education of the...
A hacker called AnonVoldemort claims to have gained access to the databases of, a Lithuanian online game that appears to have almost 35,000 players.In the tweet announcing the hack, AnonVoldemort revealed that he had leaked over 24,000 accounts, both free and premium.The data has been removed since from...
On Sunday, the official site of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) went offline. On a couple of the website’s subdomains, Anonymous hackers published a message in memory of Aaron Swartz, the Reddit co-founder and activist who recently committed suicide. “Whether or not the government contributed to his suicide,...
In a petition submitted to the White House’s “We the People” website, Anonymous hacktivists are asking the Obama administration to make distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks a legal form of protesting.“With the advance in internet techonology, comes new grounds for protesting. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS),...
The hacking collective Anonymous has clarified that it has no plans to fade away in the New Year. It issued a statement over the weekend that warned the world to "Expect us 2013."Along with the statement, the group created a video that boasts of its campaigns and exploits carried out in 2012. The video details the group's...
India’s government and military have suffered one of the worst cyber attacks in the nation’s history, after over 10,000 email accounts belonging to top officials were compromised, despite a warning from the country’s cyber security agency.The attack came on 12 July, four days after the government was warned by the National...
A group of hackers leaked email contact information of experts working with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) after breaking into one of the agency's servers.The group published a list of 167 email addresses along with its manifesto on Sunday in a post on Pastebin."Some contact details related to experts working...
“Cosmo the God” in a park near his home in Long Beach, California.A 15-year-old hacker convicted of multiple felonies was handed an unusual sentence by a Long Beach, California juvenile court on Wednesday, one that will see him all but banned from the internet until his twenty-first birthday.The hacker's real name was...
WiReD writer's Apple iCloud account was compromised and his iPhone, iPad and MacBook remotely erased. The writer's Google Mail and Twitter accounts were also hacked.Although Honan blames himself for not having two-factor authentication enabled on his Gmail login, he also said that Amazon made it "remarkably easy" for the...
Hackers posted what appear to be login credentials for more than 453,000 user accounts that they said they retrieved in plaintext from an unidentified service on Yahoo.The dump, posted on a public website by a hacking collective known as D33Ds Company, said it penetrated the Yahoo subdomain using what's known as a union-based...
A user on a Russian forum has claimed to have downloaded 6.46 million user hashed passwords from LinkedIn.It looks as though some of the weaker passwords — around 300,000 of them — may have been cracked already. Other users have been seen reaching out to fellow hackers in an apparent bid to seek help in cracking the encryption.Finnish...
The Anonymous hacking group claims to have defaced almost 500 websites in China.Targets hit in the mass defacement included government sites, its official agencies, trade groups and many others.A message put on the hacked sites said the attack was carried out to protest against the Chinese government's strict control of...
A group of hackers known as Swagg Security is taking credit for a breach of Foxconn network security, resulting in the theft of usernames, passwords, and other private information.In a series of Twitter posts yesterday, the group boasted that it publicly released the information on the Pirate Bay Web site as well as on...
The hactivist group Anonymous plans to take down the Fox News Web site on November 5, according to a new video released recently by the group.The group said it targeted the network for what it called biased news coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests occurring in cities across the country.The network's "continued...