Showing posts with label tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tricks. Show all posts
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Benefits Of Rooting Your Android Device

Google’s Android is open, customizable and a highly versatile operating system compared to other mobile OSes. And rooting it allows users complete control on their devices. However, you may wonder as to what rooting your Android device involves and what are the benefits in doing so. First, it is essential to understand...
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The Top 7 Proxy Services For Gaming

Previously  we have published an article on "Access Blocked Sites In Schools And College". Here in this article we will see some proxy sites to unblock, blocked gaming sites, Not only gaming sites but others too. Many companies block famous game sites from their internet to keep employers off of them. This is...
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How To Turn Your IPhone Into A Unlocked Wireless Device

If you purchased your iPhone from AT&T, there is a very good chance that your phone is what is considered a locked device. This means that your device will only work on the AT&T network. This typically does not cause any problems, as long as you remain with AT&T. The problem occurs when you consider changing...
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How On Earth Can I Download A Youtube Video?

YouTube has given a new turn to video sharing and viewing. It is the most popular video site and hosts the largest number of videos. It serves most of the humans on earth. Take online lectures, learn recipes, share your own personalized videos and seek comments, learn whatever in the world you want to learn about. YouTube...
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Samsung Galaxy S3 (Root, Recovery and Custom ROMs):

Introduction:After the Samsung Galaxy S3 was released, there were many rooting tools introduced into the market due to its increase in demand. Rooting the OS can help us do many custom operations like unlocking, customization of apps, different ROMs, custom kernels etc. Once you root your mobile, you can have better custom...
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How To Get Free Mobile Recharge/Airtime

Hai guys, I found some intresting sites through which you can get mobile recharge free of cost. Some sites offers Free Mobile Recharge by matching last digits of your mobile no. with their set of numbers, on a daily basis. Others offer free mobile recharge for completing surveys, offers, playing games, etc. that the provide...